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I have extensive experience teaching in different areas of linguistics, corpus and computational linguistics and digital humanities / philology. This page provides information of my teaching in the current semester as well as past courses in chronological order and by area of expertise.

current semester

semestercourse title
winter 2020-2102-15-2001-vl Lecture Digital Humanities
02-15-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1076-se Corpus and computational linguistics I
02-15-1073-ue Korpusverarbeitung: Programmieren für Korpuslinguisten
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloqium Corpus and Computational Linguistics
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloquium Digital Philology
02-et-0007-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung Bachelor of Arts / Joint Bachelor of Arts Digital Philology
02-et-0011-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung Master of Arts Linguistic and Literary Computing

previous courses

teaching.1614417611.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/27 10:20 by sabinebartsch